20 June 2007

Office Goodies

Every Wednesday morning we have "bagel day" in my office. It's a chance for the staff to have a little break from work, to get together in an informal setting just to say hello and catch up with each other a little. The only real rule is that we have to talk about something other than work.

The responsibility for bringing the bagels and other treats rotates among the staff according to a list that's kept on the refrigerator. Someone is in charge of maintaining the list so that the bagel duties are distributed fairly and regularly among the roughly 25 people who work here.

Today's bagel day turned out to be "mountains of pastry and baked goods day": cinnamon rolls, rugelach, muffins, pound cake, even brownies. There were no bagels in sight, not that this was a problem for anyone, except that I've eaten enough sweet stuff for at least the next 36 hours. Lunch? Couldn't even think about it.

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