23 April 2011

This Week in Awesome (4/23/11)

I know yesterday's late post was kind of lame, but I didn't want to have yet another Friday pass without posting something. I think maybe I need to come up with a regular Friday feature that forces me to concoct a piece each week. Anyway...

Some of my coworkers (and, to be honest, myself) are what would be considered word and grammar nerds. (It goes with the territory of working in a publishing environment.) Among the things we like to read to sate this interest is the blog After Deadline on the New York Times site, which examines grammar and usage issues within the paper's content. Some of you won't care about this at all, others will groove on it—so be it.

Have you ever wanted your own tartan? Now you can create one. (Suits + Boots)

If you've ever been to San Francisco you no doubt noticed that most houses have their garages underneath, primarily due to space limitations. Buildings that predate the automobile were not built with garages. But for almost any problem, there's a solution if you have the means. (Gizmodo via Jalopnik)

For those of you who are celebrating, Happy Easter. Here's a humorous clip to get you in a candy-eating mood. (Videogum) And if you enjoyed that, here are a bunch more like it. (Dangerous Minds)

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