01 March 2011

The Tuck Rule Revisited

Gentlemen of greater Boston: I'm seeing way too many of you walking around with your pants tucked into your boots. DO NOT DO THIS, regardless of what you may have seen on fashion-show runways or in GQ.

Because—think about it, and I really shouldn't have to point this out—you are not on a runway, you're on the subway. Okay? You look like you're five and your mom has just dressed you and sent you out to play in the snow.

You want to roll up your pants so we can all see how stylish your boots are? I'm not personally down with that look, but it's definitely the lesser of these two evils.


A Proper Bostonian said...

But surely it's better than spending the day with sopping wet hems? Around here, where the curbs have slush that's nearly a foot deep in spots, that's what happens to those who don't tuck. It's not fashion, it's survival.

Some Assembly Required said...

I have to disagree with you, because I've been walking through slush all winter took, and I don't have a problem with wet hems.

Also, you can tell the difference between those who are doing it for practical reasons and those who are doing it for fashion.