13 February 2010

This Week in Awesome (2/13/10)

Whoops, had that feeling I was forgetting something... ah well, kind of a busy day.

So, you know how when you type something into the Google, it offers suggestions based on other people's searches? That's called auto-complete, and there's a site that collects them. (Consumerist)

I fear the day is coming when Auto-Tune will rule the world, but for now it's good for some fun. Someone with more free time than you or me has been auto-tuning news clips, with suitably amusing results. (YouTube via Cult of Mac)

In the UK, a web site renamed the country's most accident-prone street Accident Avenue, and shrouded everything on it in bubble wrap. (Confused via Autoblog)

Someone took an ad for a furniture store with merchandise of dubious taste, and dubbed in their own audio track. (Consumerist)

And finally (just in time for Valentine's Day, I suppose), a compilation of 10 exceedingly strange men's underwear commercials. (The Frisky via Racked)

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