09 October 2010

This Week in Awesome (10/9/10)

So yeah, I was kind of busy yesterday, like I was saying I might sometimes be. Today we were up in Rockport with some friends--it was an absolutely perfect day to be out walking around a cute seaside town.

Interestingly, there are no videos in this week's collection, which made me realize how much we've come to take online video for granted.

An illustrated alphabet of douchebaggery. (The Daily What)

Do your photos need to be punched up with more guns, explosions, and such? Use the Bayifier. (Vulture)

I love this one: maps of the world, as seen through the stereotyped eyes of its various nations. (Very Short List)

Rebrand yourself in the questionable style of the Gap's new (and possibly short-lived) logo. (The Awl)

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