20 January 2010

Schedule Adjustment

Things are going to be pretty much offline for the next several days around here. Our flight leaves at 9 AM eastern time. I don't know what sort of internet access we're going to have; I don't travel with a laptop, and I don't yet have a smartphone (more on that soon, though). I may be able to check email from where we're staying, but I'm not even sure about that.

So, I'm afraid there will not be a TWiA this week, and I'm opting to bump this week's scheduled watch post to next week. (Maybe you'll want to use this opportunity to rummage around in the archives?) If things change and I can post I will, but you should probably assume I won't.

And for you fellow winter-sufferers, you should know that I'm heading to northern California, where the forecast is for temperatures in the mid to upper 50s, with at least a chance of rain almost every day, so while it will be better than Boston, it won't be that great.

Back at you soon...

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