13 April 2009

This Week in Awesome (4/12/09)

I'd meant to get back in the habit of posting this segment over the weekend, but we were gone most of yesterday, and then at around 10:45 PM my computer decided to devour a blank CD that I was attempting to burn some music onto. I spent about 45 minutes trying unsuccessfully to get it to eject the disc, then gave up and went to bed.

Anyway, a few blips of awesomeness did cross my radar screen last week.

3. This rap video (by a white guy named Zach) is either a very clever spoof, or just too depressing to contemplate. I recommend not watching more than the first minute or so--that's long enough to get the idea--or at least watch it with the sound off, so you don't do any permanent damage to your brain. (Unlikely Words, via Universal Hub)

2. Want to feel a little better about yourself? Read this story, then this one. (both via Jalopnik)

1. And finally, an online tribute (celebration? commiseration?) of some of life's more embarrassing moments. I have no idea if these are real or doctored, but really, who cares? (Thrillist via Racked, which is not what you think at all, you dirty-minded guttersnipes, but rather a shopping blog)

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