19 January 2013

Start Your Engines

Great news for all you Top Gear fans: the new series (season to us Yanks) starts on BBC Two on January 27th, which is a week from tomorrow. I know a lot of people torrent the shows illegally right after they air, but according to Jalopnik, these episodes will air on BBC America a mere eight days after they've aired in the UK. I'm pretty sure that's the shortest gap yet between British and American airings.

I (along with many other people) have long wondered why it typically takes such a long time for the new episodes to make their way across the Atlantic, so let's hope this is how things are going to work from now on. If you have BBCA, look for the first episode of Series 19 on Monday, February 4th.

Also, to be fair, Top Gear USA returns to History Channel (?) on Tuesday, January 29th. We all know it isn't as good, but it still has its moments.

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