04 June 2014

Elusive Classics

I've been out roaming around the past couple of days on car-spotting runs, gathering material for future Random Sightings. While out in the car I had spotted a couple of places with vehicles parked on the property but couldn't stop at the time, so I made my way back to them and in both cases it was worth it.

But weirdly, while I was out doing this I saw other old cars on the road that I couldn't get pictures of in time, and in one case my shot was blocked by another car passing between me and my intended subject (I ended up with a partial that I'll probably still post at some point).

Maybe the presence of these vehicles is just due to coincidence and the onset of summer (or maybe my endeavors are stirring up some cosmic force?), but it's still disappointing to miss out on good photo subjects. As I make my way around town I'll be looking for these missed cars, hoping for another chance.

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