22 July 2015


Now that I've ridden on the T's newest buses for a while, I have one small complaint: the seats are not as comfortable as the ones on the older buses. It might seem a bit silly so declare a slab of hard plastic less comfortable than a different slab of hard plastic, but there is a bit more nuance to my argument. They've messed with the geometry.

The angle of the seatback is tilted slightly further back. I didn't check them with a protractor, but I can feel the difference. But worse, the seat bottom is angled slightly downward from back to front, which was not how the older bus seats were shaped. Combined with the back angle, this causes a feeling that you are going to slide down and off the seat altogether.

I don't need the bus seat to encourage my body to slouch; I can handle that by myself if I feel like it.

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