08 October 2009

Bad Clothes Day

Last week I thought it was fall for sure--I needed a jacket in the mornings, it was cold enough at night to need an extra blanket--but the weather can't make up its mind. Yesterday it was raining but also kind of warm (definitely much too warm for my Barbour coat), and I decided I didn't feel like wearing my blue L.L. Bean rain jacket because I tend to get overheated in it (Gore-Tex can claim whatever it wants, but I've yet to find a waterproof rain garment that does not cause this feeling).

A while back I'd picked up one of these on eBay, and it seemed like the right sort of day to wear it. As it turned out, I got just as overheated wearing it, even though it's very light. The other thing about that, though, is that because it's so light and is only lined down to about the mid-chest, it doesn't really have any body or drape. It's kind of floppy, and yesterday was very windy. I didn't get especially wet, but if you'd seen me walking around the Longwood area you might have thought I was trying to swat away an errant bee or something. I'm contemplating whether it's worth keeping, and wondering if I can convince the Mrs. to sew some fishing weights into the botton hem.

I think this is the sort of problem that women experience with their clothing more often than men. I hate wearing clothing that I have to keep fussing with once I've put it on. To compound the situation, I'd chosen to wear a pair of corduroy jeans (yeah, the ones I bought at Gap last weekend). Those fit fine, but the color, which indoors looks like brown, gray, and olive all at once (Gap calls it "gray pearl") looked green outside in natural light. Like, Mr. Green Jeans green. I wasn't too pleased. It was the sartorial equivalent of a bad hair day.

Oh, and the forecast says it's going to rain again tomorrow. Swell.

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