25 August 2011


Yesterday at our weekly office breakfast, a colleague sitting next to me commented on my outfit. (I was wearing my red shorts with a blue-striped seersucker shirt.) She said I looked "very fratty," and I was mildly horrified at the idea that someone might associate me, however innocently it was intended, with anything frat-related.

Another coworker, sitting on my other side, took note of my reaction and attempted to come to my defense by saying, "I don't think he's the frat type."

The first person explained that she had been shopping with her son, who is about to enter his sophomore year in college and is in a fraternity. He told her that these were the styles his fraternity brothers were wearing, and he wanted them too. I offered my shopping advice, mentioning where I had gotten my clothes, and pointed out that since summer is almost over, she might be able to get them on the cheap.

So, does this mean that red shorts have reached their tipping point? I guess I'll have to wait until next summer and see where things are.

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