07 September 2010

Masshole Moment

The other night we drove to the Station Landing complex at Wellington Circle. The parking lots there are a bit on the snug side, and just after we turned in off the road, there was a car ahead of us blocking the way, with its right turn signal on.

We waited a few moments to see if anything would happen, and then the Mrs. put up her hands with her arms out in a "what gives?" gesture, hoping the driver ahead would see it in the mirror. An arm appeared from the driver's window, waving us around. In this lot that is not always a save maneuver, but there were no cars coming in the other direction, so we pulled around the car.

As we came alongside, the driver looked at us and called, "Couldn't ya see my blinkah was on? I'm waitin' for a space!" The Mrs. looked down the row a few spots ahead of us, gestured, and said, "There's a space right there." The woman's face got red and scrunched into a scowl, and she bellowed, "I WANT THAT ONE!!" while pointing to her right, to a space occupied by another car.

We looked at each other, confused, and drove off. Later, as we were leaving, we saw the woman's car, backed into the very space she so desperately needed to park in. We wondered how many other people she had inconvenienced while waiting for that space. We wondered why that particular space was so important. The only thing we were able to come up with was the possibility that she worked in the Walgreens that faces that part of the lot, and wanted to be able to keep an eye on her car while working, but even that seemed kind of flimsy.

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